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Schools in Tempe

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About Arizona State University in Tempe

Schools in Tempe

Arizona State University in Tempe

arizona state University

Arizona State University (Arizona State or ASU) is a public research university in the Phoenix metropolitan area. Founded in 1885 by the 13th Arizona Territorial Legislature, ASU is one of the largest public universities by enrollment in the U.S.

Why study in the United States and at ASU?

As an American university, ASU welcomes students from 136 countries around the world. More than 9,000 students call ASU home, making us the No. 1 public university chosen by international students.

Arizona State University, World University Ranking 2022-23
Arizona State University in Tempe Tempe,AZSchools,Colleges Universities, Colleges Universities in Tempe, Address,Phone Numbers,Email id

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Arizona State University

Our Address

810 S Forest Ave
Tempe AZ 85281,
United States.

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(480) 965-3536