Welcome to Kings Academy

High Schools in Sunnyvale

California / Sunnyvale,CA /

About Kings Academy in Sunnyvale

High Schools in Sunnyvale

Kings Academy in Sunnyvale

The King's Academy is a private, Christian junior and senior high school in Sunnyvale, California, US. It is a member of the Association of Christian Schools International and the Western Association of Schools and Colleges. It was founded in 1991 and is housed on the former campus of Sunnyvale High School.

King's academy Sunnyvale Reviews

4.5/5 (150 users)

King Academy's unique program has been recognized by the National Quality Institute's Canadian Hall of Excellence.

How do you get into King's Academy?

How to Apply

1. Complete the online application.

2. Submit the application fee.

3. Register for an Admissions test.

4. Submit academic transcripts and other required documents.

5. Request teacher recommendations.

6. Schedule a personal interview and family meeting.

7. Admissions dates to remember.

Kings Academy in Sunnyvale Sunnyvale,CAHigh Schools,Schools,Educational Services High Schools in Sunnyvale, Address,Phone Numbers,Email id

Hits: 207, Rating : Sunnyvale ( 5 ) by 1 User(s).


Kings Academy

Our Address

562 N Britton Ave
Sunnyvale CA 94085,
United States.

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(408) 245-2199