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Mobile Service & Housecalls in Shelbyville,KY

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About Derby City Vet in Shelbyville,KY

Mobile Service & Housecalls in Shelbyville,KY

Derby City Veterinary Services, Shelbyville,KY

Derby City Veterinary Services is your housecall and mobile vet serving Louisville, KY and surrounding areas! Led by Dr. Brigette Dean-Hines (she/hers), we provide a multitude of companion animal services with many options to fit into your schedule.

Our unconditional love for companion animals extends into our efforts to improve your pet’s quality of life. In recognizing your pet as a vital member of the family, we are dedicated to providing the best diagnostic and treatment options to ensure comfort and longevity. We offer General wellness and vaccine visits, Disease Prevention, Identification and Treatment, Urgent Care, and Emergency. Pain management is one of our top priorities as we believe our pets’ aging can be seen as a gift! We are very proud to embrace the veterinary family practice model, where providing relationship-centered care to best benefit our patients and their caregivers, as top priority.

Derby City Vet in Shelbyville,KY Shelbyville,KYMobile Service & Housecalls,Veterinary Services,Fear-Free Techniques Veterinary Services in Shelbyville,KY, Address,Phone Numbers,Email id

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Derby City Vet

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Shelbyville, KY 40065 United States.

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