New York / New York City,NY /
Carmine's is a family style restaurant offering exceptional value to its guests through the many dishes of Southern Italian cuisine.
Hours: 11:30 AM to 11.00 PM
Carmine's in New York City New York City,NYItalian Restaurants,family style restaurant,Carmine's in NYC Italian Restaurants in New York City, Address,Phone Numbers,Email id
About Carmine's in New York City

Carmine's Italian Restaurant in NYC
Carmine's is a family style restaurant offering exceptional value to its guests through the many dishes of Southern Italian cuisine.
Hours: 11:30 AM to 11.00 PM
Carmine's in New York City New York City,NYItalian Restaurants,family style restaurant,Carmine's in NYC Italian Restaurants in New York City, Address,Phone Numbers,Email id