Welcome to AirMed International

Air Medical Transport Company in Birmingham,AL

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About AirMed International in Birmingham,AL

Air Medical Transport Company in Birmingham,AL

AirMed International LLC, Birmingham, AL

24 x 7 x 365 Medical Air Transport Services

The team at AirMed International has pioneered the air ambulance and air medical transport industry for over three decades. The dedication and expertise of our team allow us to deliver a seamless transport experience bedside-to-bedside from anywhere on the globe.

AirMed International is the leading air ambulance and medical transport company in the United States, with 25,000 total missions and counting. AirMed offers unparalleled medical care and bedside-to-bedside transportation on a worldwide basis and boasts the most experienced air medical crews in the industry.

AirMed air ambulances are equipped for virtually every critical care scenario. And unlike others in the industry, we have our own fleet so we can guarantee a quality medical flight and exceptional care across the board.

As an FAA-certified Air Carrier with worldwide operating authority, our air ambulance fleet consists of Part 135 ATP Certified flight crew that are simulator trained annually and are type-specific rated. Maintenance professionals are required to release long-range aircraft for each air ambulance flight and accept the aircraft upon return.

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AirMed International

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950 22nd St. N Suite 800 Birmingham, AL 35203 USA

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