Welcome to Ascension Seton Medical Center

24/7 emergency care in Austin,TX

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About Ascension Seton Medical Center in Austin,TX

24/7 emergency care in Austin,TX

Ascension Seton Medical Center Austin,TX

Ascension Seton Medical Center Austin and ER deliver personalized testing and care for your everyday health needs.

Heart and vascular health
Stroke care
Lung and esophageal cancers
Orthopedic care
Behavioral health
Women's Health

Our cardiologists and heart specialists coordinate care with your primary care doctor to deliver personalized heart care for patients with complex heart conditions, including congestive heart disease with or without A-fib. Our trusted network of doctors and specialty clinics gives you access to the most advanced technologies and treatments.

The Perioperative Surgical Home (PSH) program at Ascension Seton is a patient-centric, team-based model of care designed to optimize surgical clearance by increasing the quality and safety of surgical care, reducing the cost of healthcare, and improving the overall patient experience.

Ascension Seton Medical Center in Austin,TX Austin,TX24/7 emergency care,Medical Center, Hospitals in Austin,TX, Address,Phone Numbers,Email id

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Ascension Seton Medical Center

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1201 West 38th St Austin, TX 78705, United States.

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